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The following are some of the presentations and handouts used in the training programs conducted by Dr. Venkatesan Chakrapani, M.D., for health care providers (especially clinicians and counselors) in India. The presentations need to be tailored according to the target audience, time available and the context of the presentation. Most of these sessions are integrated in to the existing STD and HIV/AIDS training programs for doctors and counselors.

  1. Basics about men who have sex with men (MSM) and Aravanis/Hijras (male-to-female transgendered persons) in India.(Basics_MSM_Aravanis.ppt) 
    [Note: For more detailed information, see the articles in the 'Author's webpages' in this website]
  2. Counseling issues of men who have sex with men (MSM) and Aravanis/Hijras (male-to-female transgendered persons) in India.(COUN_ISSUES_Venky.ppt)
    [Note: For more detailed information, see the articles and presentations in the 'Author's webpages' in this website]
  3. Sexual practices and Safer sex. (SxlPractices_SaferSex.ppt)

Training Manuals for Health Care Providers on Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Transgender women (Hijras) in India

Venkatesan Chakrapani, Understanding men who have sex with men (MSM) and Hijras & Providing HIV/STI risk reduction information .Basic Training for Clinicians & Counselors in Sexual health/STI/HIV.Trainer's manual. Sep 2005. (TOT_FINAL_Sep2005.pdf)

Venkatesan Chakrapani, Understanding men who have sex with men (MSM) and Hijras & Providing HIV/STI risk reduction information .Handbook for STI/HIV and Sexual health care providers. Sep 2005. (Parti_Hdbook_FINAL_Sep2005.pdf)

Venkatesan Chakrapani, Providing quality sexual health care to men who have sex with men (MSM) and Hijras in India . Clinical Manual .Sep 2005. (ClinicalManual_FINAL_Sep2005.pdf)