Sexual minorities or Sexual minority community: Refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered/transsexual persons as well as persons with other identities (such as Kothis and Alis/Hijras) as a minority group in a predominantly heterosexual total population. (Sometimes referred to as ‘sexuality minorities’).
These days, the terms ‘Sexual minority communities’ or ‘Sexual minority populations’ are used to stress that, like the people they comprise, these communities or populations are diverse.
(Note: In this website, the term ‘GLBT community’ is used interchangeably with the term ‘sexual minorities’ or ‘sexual minority community’).
GLBT community: This represents the community of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgendered/transsexual persons. These groups often jointly fight against discrimination and stigmatization based on one’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity and thus identify as a common community. Also used as a term to denote the entire community of sexual minorities irrespective of identities (Note: In this website, the term ‘GLBT community’ is used interchangeably with the term ‘sexual minorities’ or ‘sexual minority community’).
These days, the terms ‘GLBT communities’ or ‘GLBT populations’ are used to stress that, like the people they comprise, these communities or populations are divers > Back to top.